Black History Month

  1. 3. First African American President
  2. 5. African American track athlete who won 4 gold medals
  3. 6. First African American Woman to hold a pilot license
  4. 9. First Black Woman to be elected to the United States Congress
  5. 11. Abolitionist and Women's rights activist
  6. 13. African American educator, author, and orator
  7. 14. The Current Vice President
  8. 15. One of the most prominent leaders in the Civil Rights movement
  1. 1. African American sociologist, socialist, and historian
  2. 2. First African American Baseball Player
  3. 4. Father of the Abolitionist Movement
  4. 7. African American Muslim minister and human rights activist
  5. 8. Known for Montgomery Bus Boycott
  6. 10. Helped people escape slavery using the Underground Railroad
  7. 12. Professional Boxer and Activist