Black Saturday

  1. 2. A metaphor used to describe the enormous size of this fire was, it was a __________.
  2. 3. This fire began in a small area called __________.
  3. 5. Whole towns were wiped out in __________.
  4. 10. Location of the second large fire 40 kilometres from Kilmore.
  5. 12. A word used to describe the sound of the approaching bushfire.
  6. 13. The eucalyptus tree was described by firefighters as being like _______ on a stick.
  7. 15. Due to the fire people had no power or _________ lines.
  8. 16. The burning matter that is carried in the wind are called _____________.
  9. 19. One problem for the authorities was it was impossible to _______ everyone from the fire region.
  10. 20. Victoria has Australia's _______largest population.
  11. 21. Due to the smoke day became _______.
  12. 22. If you decided not to flee the fire you needed to be in a ___________ home.
  13. 24. The type of tree whose leaves are full of oil and ignite easily.
  14. 25. One survivor said that his sunglasses he was wearing _________ on his face.
  15. 26. One survivor described the embers hitting his home as sounding like a ________ gun.
  16. 27. Black Saturday was started by a small ______ fire.
  1. 1. Black Saturday bushfire occurred on the 7th of __________, 2009.
  2. 4. The element that is the most dangerous in a bushfire that often causes loss of life.
  3. 6. Approximately _________ hundred lives were lost in this fire.
  4. 7. A firefighter caught in this fire's path had to go into ________ mode.
  5. 8. This fire inferno would ____________ anything in its path.
  6. 9. Approximately ________ a million hectares were destroyed by this fire.
  7. 11. It was reported that some of the fires on Black Saturday were __________ lit.
  8. 14. Approximately ______ percent of the people were killed between 3:00pm-6:00pm.
  9. 17. The biggest killer that causes loss of life in a bushfire is due to _________heat.
  10. 18. The fire-front causes extremely strong wind.
  11. 23. When burning eucalyptus bark is carried in the wind this causes something called _________, which are small fires in front of the fire.
  12. 28. The temperature in Melbourne on Black Saturday was forty ____ point four degrees.