Black Stars Simple Machines

  1. 3. the amount of energy used in a unit of time.
  2. 4. mechanical advantage
  3. 5. a device consisting of a wheel over which a rope or chain is pulled
  4. 6. a piece of wood, metal, or some other material having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate them
  5. 9. a sloping ramp up which heavy loads can be moved
  6. 10. the amount of force that would accelerate a mass of one kilogram one meter per second
  7. 12. the quality that gives things weight anywhere there's gravity.
  8. 13. toothed wheel that works with other toothed wheels
  9. 15. power directly applied to lift a load
  1. 1. tow or more simple machines working together
  2. 2. a rigid bar on a pivot or fulcrum
  3. 4. something that transmits or modifies force or motion
  4. 7. simple machine involves two circular objects — a larger disc and a smaller cylinder, both joined at the centre
  5. 8. pivot of a lever
  6. 11. the energy required to move an object. Equal to the force times the distance the object moves
  7. 14. a simple machine of the inclined plane type consisting of a spirally grooved solid cylinder