
  1. 1. Clint says Izzy is only pretty because she is _____
  2. 4. what does Izzy's mom think her favorite color is
  3. 6. why do Izzy and Darren get pulled over by cops.
  4. 9. They decorate the hall with it
  5. 12. what was the big event Izzy was practicing for
  6. 13. what did Izzy's teacher love
  7. 14. where did Izzy trade-off parents every week
  8. 16. what store did Izzy, Heather, and Imani go into at the mall
  9. 17. Logan is forced to it when he gets suspended
  10. 18. what type of car did
  1. 2. Darren takes izzy to get ________ before her recital
  2. 3. who was Izzy's crush
  3. 5. where does John Mrk propose
  4. 7. what did Imani find in her locker after PE
  5. 8. what does Madam Rubenstein give Izzy at one of her lessons
  6. 10. where does Imani's mom wait for them in the mall
  7. 11. what does Izzy no like about herself
  8. 15. What does Izzy's dad do for a job