block 9 and 10

  1. 4. These joints allow movement of the bone
  2. 7. These muscles move when we want them to move
  3. 9. This organ belongs to the Circulatory system
  4. 10. The bones are the ______ part of our body
  5. 11. This organ belongs to the digestive system
  6. 12. What is a skeleton made up of?
  7. 13. Skin _______or bones,joints and muscles
  8. 14. This organ belongs to the respiratory system
  1. 1. These joints do not allow movements of the bones
  2. 2. These muscles work on their own and we cannot control them
  3. 3. This organ belongs to the excretory system
  4. 5. This is a movable joint
  5. 6. This organ belongs to the nervous system
  6. 8. There are _________bones in our body