Bloodwork Values

  1. 3. What is a blood protein that often increases with chronic inflammation and certain disease states?
  2. 5. What blood count measures cells that form blood clots?
  3. 9. What value is an electrolyte lost with vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive urination and high levels can cause cardiac arrest?
  4. 10. Urea Nitrogen – What value indicates kidney function over the short term and can also indicate a GI ulceration?
  5. 12. What are immature red blood cells called?
  6. 14. What blood value is a sensitive indicator of active liver damage?
  7. 16. What value that begins with a “C” is an electrolyte often lost with vomiting and Addison’s disease.
  8. 19. Phosphatase, What value’s elevations may indicate liver damage, Cushing’s disease, and active bone growth in young pets?
  9. 20. What value is used to supplement diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, liver disease, Cushing’s disease and diabetes mellitus?
  10. 22. What is a serum protein that helps evaluate hydration, hemorrhage, and intestinal, liver and kidney disease?
  1. 1. What is value begins with “C” and deviations can indicate a variety of diseases.
  2. 2. What value is a hormone that is measured in tests for Cushing’s disease.
  3. 4. Protein, What value indicates hydration status and provides additional information about the liver, kidneys?
  4. 6. What value is an enzyme that may indicate pancreatitis?
  5. 7. What is a specific type of white blood cell that may indicate allergic or parasitic conditions?
  6. 8. What blood value when elevated is associated with kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and bleeding disorders?
  7. 11. What blood value measures the body’s immune system response?
  8. 13. What value is a thyroid hormone which decreased levels often signal hypothyroidism in dogs, while high levels indicate hyperthyroidism in cats?
  9. 15. What blood value measures the percentage of red blood cells to detect anemia and dehydration?
  10. 17. What value reveals long term kidney function and helps distinguish between kidney and non-kidney causes of elevated BUN values?
  11. 18. What blood value that when elevated may indicate diabetes mellitus and low levels can cause collapse, seizures, or coma?
  12. 21. What is an electrolyte lost with vomiting, diarrhea, kidney disease and Addison’s disease?