BM AOS1 Terms

  1. 2. Improving society and the environment through business activities
  2. 4. Business structure that is a separate legal entity
  3. 7. The ability to create positive interactions with employees
  4. 10. Those that oversee and coordinate a business' employees
  5. 14. This is limited when using an autocratic style
  6. 15. Views and values outlined in written format
  7. 17. Hired by the business to complete work in exchange for a wage or salary
  8. 18. To make a ______
  9. 20. Business structure owned by one individual
  10. 22. Transfer of authority and responsibility from a manager to an employee
  11. 23. Those that provide resources that are then used in the production of goods and services
  12. 25. To improve _________
  13. 27. Used in official corporate culture
  14. 28. Planning is ________ when using a persuasive management style
  15. 29. Employees have this when a Laissez-faire management style is used
  16. 30. Interest of owners
  1. 1. Transfer of information from one party to another
  2. 3. Personal assets of the shareholders cannot be seized to pay off the debts of the business
  3. 5. This style is not needed for leadership
  4. 6. Individuals who put money into the business
  5. 8. Business structure that aims to fulfill a social need
  6. 9. Disadvantage of a sole trader
  7. 11. Shared values and beliefs of a business
  8. 12. Can arise and is a disadvantage of a partnership
  9. 13. An interest of employees
  10. 16. A public listed company is listed on this
  11. 19. Used in real corporate culture
  12. 21. Those that purchase goods/services from a business
  13. 24. An interest of employees
  14. 26. Ability to influence and motivate people toward the achievement of objectives