Body Organization and Systems

  1. 2. A collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function of the body
  2. 5. System that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients.
  3. 7. Basic unit of life
  4. 10. System that detects information from the environment and controls body functions.
  5. 11. System that takes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide.
  1. 1. A group of organs that work together in performing vital body functions.
  2. 3. a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry out life processes.
  3. 4. System that delivers oxygen and nutrients, removes carbon dioxide and other wastes.
  4. 6. System that removes wastes
  5. 8. System that allows organisms to procreate; make offspring
  6. 9. A group of similar cells that perform the same function.