Body organs

  1. 3. This is the shorter of the two intestines.
  2. 6. This system allows your body to move.
  3. 8. These act as filters.
  4. 9. Nourishment from the small intestine enters the __________ stream.
  5. 11. These carry good blood from the heart to other organs.
  6. 12. Galen lived in __________.
  7. 13. Digestion starts here.
  8. 14. This body system directs body to react to information from the outside world.
  9. 16. This is the main organ of the respiratory system.
  10. 17. This is a fibre that sends impulses through the body.
  1. 1. Pharynx and ________ are parts of the respiratory system.
  2. 2. This separates the right side of your heart from the left side.
  3. 4. The heart has four __________.
  4. 5. Food mixes with gastric juices here.
  5. 7. When bones join together they make this up.
  6. 10. This protects your brain.
  7. 15. These carry blood to the heart.