Body Parts

  1. 2. Used for touching things
  2. 4. connects the head to the body.
  3. 9. part of the body that's on top of your neck
  4. 10. The little hole in in the center of a person's belly
  5. 11. from the waist to the top of the leg.
  6. 12. above the thigh on either side of the body
  7. 14. is used for digesting food.
  8. 16. Sometimes called bottom or behind.
  9. 18. is between the forearm and the upper arm
  10. 20. muscle at the back of the lower leg
  11. 21. Is between the wrist and elbow.
  12. 23. connects the lower and upper leg.
  1. 1. where the bottom of the foot curves.
  2. 3. is the back part of the foot below the ankle.
  3. 5. on each side of the head and used for hearing.
  4. 6. grown on top of the head.
  5. 7. is just above the hips
  6. 8. part of the leg between the hip and the knee
  7. 13. The padded portion foot between the toes and the arch
  8. 14. connects the to arm and to the base of the neck
  9. 15. is the below the neck and above the stomach.
  10. 17. front of the leg below the knee
  11. 19. is rear surface of the body from the shoulders to the hips.
  12. 21. the lower part of the leg below the ankle
  13. 22. connects the foot to the leg