Body System exam Review

  1. 5. this system works by transmitting and receiving signals in the body
  2. 6. if the large intestine cannot absorb enough water a person will suffer from
  3. 7. the movement of blood around the body
  4. 9. Small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins
  5. 10. this type of digestion uses acids and enzymes to break down food into simpler substances
  6. 11. This system helps us defend against pathogens
  7. 15. Large blood vessels that bring blood away from the heart
  8. 16. Muscles that work automatically during peristalsis are known as
  9. 19. this system brings oxygen in from the air
  10. 20. As Altitude above sea level increases, air pressure
  1. 1. type of digestion that physically breaks down food to smaller pieces
  2. 2. these are the main organs of gas exchange
  3. 3. this is the waste product gas that is removed by the lungs
  4. 4. Chewing and churning are this type of digestion
  5. 8. this system breaks down food to a useable form
  6. 9. this system transport glucose and oxygen to the cells
  7. 12. this is where digestion begins
  8. 13. Smooth skeletal and cardiac are the three main types of this tissue
  9. 14. this organ releases Insulin which helps store glucose in the liver
  10. 17. large blood vessels that bring blood back to the heart
  11. 18. the main function of this system is voluntary or involuntary movement