Body systems

  1. 1. pumps blood through the entire body
  2. 4. are used to make sudden movements exp. Gliding Hinge
  3. 6. Tiny air sacs in our lungs that help us breathe
  4. 9. system used to transport blood and oxygen throughout the body
  5. 11. Hold Alveoli and is the main organ in the respiratory system
  6. 13. Digestion Use of saliva or other materials to break down food
  7. 14. picks up stimuli in the world and sends them to the interneuron
  8. 16. One cell thick tubes that line almost every muscle
  9. 17. Also called the skull, protects the brain
  10. 18. Creates red blood cells and used as a layer of protection
  1. 2. Long tube that connects the stomach to the mouth
  2. 3. Fight diseases and infection with the immune system
  3. 5. Main organ in the excretory system
  4. 7. Finger like muscles that absorb nutrients in the small intestine
  5. 8. Abosrbs Vitamin K and water
  6. 10. Has acids that remove excess waste from the food and has smooth muscle lining
  7. 12. Main organ in the nervous system, controls all activities
  8. 15. This is the exchange of o2 and co2