Body Systems

  1. 4. System that transfers oxygen in and out of the body
  2. 7. Stores urine
  3. 9. Pumps blood
  4. 10. Absorb nutrients and water from food
  5. 12. A tube that connects to the breathing organ
  6. 13. Takes blood away from the heart
  7. 15. Makes urine
  8. 16. Connect to the the waste organ
  1. 1. System that cleans the waste from the blood
  2. 2. A tube that food passes through
  3. 3. System that moves blood around the body
  4. 5. Removes urine from the body
  5. 6. An acidic organ
  6. 8. System that separates nutrients from waste
  7. 11. Takes blood to the heart
  8. 14. Exchange gases with the blood