Body Systems

  1. 2. smallest bone in the skelton
  2. 4. three pound organ that controls all functions of the body
  3. 7. this system brings oxygen into the body and helps remove carbon dioxide from the body
  4. 11. this system control all feelings, thoughts, learning, memory, and senses.
  5. 12. a pair of breathing organs that remove carbon dioxide and bring oxygen to blood
  6. 13. line consisting of nerves that carry incoming and outgoing messages to the brain and the rest of the body
  7. 14. where bones meet
  8. 15. allows the arm to bend
  9. 16. carries messages to the brain
  10. 17. this systems main purpose is to allow movement
  11. 18. bones in the spine
  12. 19. a tube in the respiratory system that connects the pharynx and the lungs
  1. 1. allows extension of the forearm at the elbow joint
  2. 2. system made up of 206 bones
  3. 3. largest muscle in the human body
  4. 5. organ that allows the sense of smell
  5. 6. transports blood away from the heart
  6. 8. returns blood back to the heart
  7. 9. bodies hardest working muscle
  8. 10. system that contains the heart and blood vessels