Body Systems

  1. 2. cells with specific jobs within an multicellular organism
  2. 4. cluster of cells working together
  3. 5. grow, breathe, eat, move, eliminate waste
  4. 6. a group of organs working together
  5. 8. this system includes the heart, veins and arteries
  6. 9. system in charge of bringing in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  7. 11. system responsible for transferring information throughout the body using signals
  8. 12. food tube
  9. 14. one cell
  10. 15. breathe out
  11. 16. groups of tissues working together
  1. 1. many cells
  2. 3. system that breaks down and processes nutrients for the body
  3. 4. wind pipe
  4. 7. system that includes both involuntary and voluntary
  5. 10. move blood away from the heart
  6. 13. system that provides structure and support