body systems and homeostasis

  1. 4. Respiration Inhale and exhale of gases by the respiratory system
  2. 8. A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state
  3. 10. Equilibrium Result of diffusion where there is continuous movement of particles but no overall change in concentration
  4. 13. Digestion Process by which enzymes break down food into small molecules that the body can use.
  5. 14. An organ found in air-breathing vertebrates that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood.
  6. 17. Make up most of the great length of the bodies blood vessels; overall resistance is low so blood flows very slowly, allowing time for oxygen and nutrients to leave blood vessels and enter body tissues.
  7. 18. Tiny sacs, with walls only a single cell layer thick found at the end of the respiratory bronchiole tree. Alveoli are the site of gas exchange in the respiratory system.
  8. 20. System Brings oxygen into the body and removes CO2, includes nose, trachea, and lungs
  1. 1. Digestion Physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces.
  2. 2. System Group of organs including the kidneys, liver, skin, intestines, and lungs that purify the body by the elimination of waste matter.
  3. 3. to carry or move from one place to another
  4. 5. The process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of the digestive system into the blood.
  5. 6. A hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
  6. 7. Exchange Breathing,transport of gases, and exchange of gases with tissue cells; Provides O2 for cellular respiration and removes its waste product, CO2.
  7. 9. Intestines Organ where most chemical digestion and absorption takes place..
  8. 11. System This system works as the transportation highway for the body. It consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. It transports substances such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients in the body
  9. 12. to pass solid or liquid matter from the body.
  10. 15. System Breaks down food into absorbable units that enter the blood for distribution to body cells
  11. 16. Filters waste from the blood like urea, water, salt and proteins
  12. 19. Finger like extensions of the intestinal mucosa that increase the surface area for absorption