Body Systems and Homeostasis

  1. 4. Brings oxygen-rich blood from your heart to all of your body's cells
  2. 6. Made up of neurons that are specialized cells that can recover and transmit chemicals
  3. 10. A system that consist of tissue, glands, and organs involved in producing an offspring
  4. 16. Organs system that removes wasted products
  5. 17. State of balance among all of the body systems that are necessary to survive
  6. 18. An organs system that is responsible for providing the body with strength
  7. 19. Occurs to increase the change in output
  8. 20. Single muscles cells
  1. 1. A biological occurrence where the output of a system amplifies the system
  2. 2. Glands and organs that make hormones and release them into the blood to travel to the tissue
  3. 3. System that consist of bones, joints and cartilage
  4. 5. Smallest blood vessel
  5. 7. Decrease the change in output
  6. 8. Consist of the set of organs and tissues involved in the uptake of oxygen
  7. 9. A system that comprises organs which converts food into energy
  8. 11. They system that contains the heart and the blood vessels and moves blood throughout the body
  9. 12. Organ that makes one or more substances of hormones, digestive juices, sweat, tears, saliva, or milk
  10. 13. Consist of cells that have the ability to shorten or contract to produce body movement for all parts
  11. 14. A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to tissue and organs in the body
  12. 15. One of many substances made by glands in the body system