Body Systems Review

  1. 7. which body system controls all other systems
  2. 9. system that takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide and water
  3. 11. process where materials are exchanged between blood and body cells
  4. 13. system that takes in food, absorbs nutrients, and removes wastes
  5. 14. place where most chemical digestion takes place
  6. 18. most important nutrient because body processes require this material
  7. 19. the KEY word for studying body systems
  8. 20. type of digestion that is physical. This takes place in the mouth an stomach
  9. 23. the excretory system rids your body of these which would be harmful if not addressed
  10. 24. System that stores and carries White blood cells that fight disease and returns fluid to the blood stream
  1. 1. all body systems work together to strive for this
  2. 2. system that fights off foreign invaders
  3. 3. type of digestion that includes saliva, hydrochloric acid and pepsin
  4. 4. place where water is absorbed back into the blood stream
  5. 5. the central nervous system is made of the brain and __________
  6. 6. where does blood go after it leaves the right ventricle
  7. 8. system that filters blood and removes wastes from blood
  8. 10. contractions of smooth muscles push food toward the stomach
  9. 11. large muscle that assist with breathing
  10. 12. the strongest chamber of the heart. responsible for the PUSH of blood to the body
  11. 15. system that transports materials to and from cells
  12. 16. system that allows for movement and contracting
  13. 17. provides your body with growing materials and tissue repair
  14. 21. system that regulates body's hormone levels
  15. 22. what is missing? cells-organs-systems-organisms