Body Systems Summary - NMMS Spring 2021

  1. 6. air usually enters the body through this opening
  2. 7. a single nerve cell
  3. 8. the space between two neurons
  4. 10. when the body reacts without consciously thinking
  5. 12. the system which sends signals throughout a body
  6. 13. the muscle that contracts to make you inhale
  7. 14. the bag-like organ in the food system
  8. 16. the heart, blood, and vessels make up this system
  9. 17. where your digestive system begins, usually
  1. 1. the chemical that is taken to the body by the blood
  2. 2. the process by which food is changed into nutrients for the body
  3. 3. a major organ of the nervous system
  4. 4. the system that includes the bronchi, lungs, and nose
  5. 5. the structure of the body, made of bones
  6. 9. how the body gets information from the environment
  7. 11. the air moves through this to get to the blood
  8. 15. the pump for all of the blood to carry oxygen and nutrients
  9. 17. one of the organs in the system that allows your body to move