Body Systems

  1. 4. something that generates a response
  2. 5. electrical signal of the nervous system
  3. 7. system of heart, blood, and vessels used to transport nutrients and wastes
  4. 10. system of bones and cartilage for support, protection and movement
  5. 13. system that receives and sends electrical signals throughout your body
  6. 15. automatic nervous system response
  7. 16. 2 words- two or more organs that work together. digestive system is one of these
  8. 18. another name for the circulatory system
  9. 19. system that filters the blood at the kidneys, and removes wastes such as excess water, salts and urea
  10. 20. system that consists of glands that regulates body functions, growth and development by sending chemical messengers through the blood stream
  1. 1. system made up of parts of other systems such as white blood cells, skin, and stomach acids to protect you from harmful organisms
  2. 2. a disease causing organism
  3. 3. system that allows body movement. voluntary for skeletal movement, involuntary for digestive organs and heart
  4. 5. system composed of hair skin and nails. Protects you from invaders and prevents your insides from drying out
  5. 6. a group of similar cells working together (epithelial, nervous,muscle, or connective
  6. 8. the state of a stable (balanced) internal environment
  7. 9. system composed of parts of other systems that rids the body of wastes
  8. 11. system for bringing in and breaking down nutrients for absorption into the bloodstream
  9. 12. chemical messenger of the endocrine system
  10. 14. two or more tissue types working together to perform a specific function heart or brain are examples
  11. 17. system that brings in oxygen and gets rid of waste carbon dioxide through the lungs