Body Systems

  1. 3. the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring
  2. 6. the organ system that includes the muscles and allows the body to move
  3. 9. a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
  4. 11. Body organ that digests food, along with the stomach.
  5. 12. large muscular sac that continues the mechanical and chemical digestion of food
  6. 15. new skills gained that are not passed on from your parents. Something you are taught or have learmed from expierience.
  7. 16. blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  8. 17. traits such as height, weight, body type, eye color, hair color and other physical features
  9. 18. the body system that consists of the heart, blood vesals, and blood; also called circulatory.
  10. 22. tube through which air moves
  11. 23. that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers
  1. 1. the study of how traits are inherited from mother and father
  2. 2. traits that are passed from parents to their offspring
  3. 4. The bodily system that consists of the bones, their associated cartilages, and the joints, and supports and protects the body, produces blood cells, and stores minerals.
  4. 5. bundled axons that form neural "cables" connecting the central nervous system with muscles, glands, and sense organs
  5. 7. two large respiratory organs inside the chest where blood picks up oxygen and loses carbon dioxide
  6. 8. a set of tubes through which the blood moves through the body
  7. 10. organisms made up of many cells
  8. 13. the body system responsible for taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide using the lungs
  9. 14. The body system of nervous tissues--organized into the brain,spinal courd, and nerves--that send and receive messages and integreate the body's activities.
  10. 19. the body system that breaks down foods into nutrients that can be used by the body, absorbs nutrients, & rids body of solid wastes
  11. 20. group of tissues that work together to perform closely realated functions
  12. 21. Nerves that run up and down the length of the back and transmit most messages between the body and brain