body systems

  1. 2. transport oxygenated blood away from the heart
  2. 4. have walls that are one cell thick
  3. 8. brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.
  4. 9. you cant walk with out it.
  5. 10. transport deoxygenated blood from the capillaries back to the heart
  6. 11. intestine/the last part of the digestive system
  7. 14. posture, and produces heat. Includes skeletal
  8. 17. by physical and chemical means small intestine/composed of a duodenum,jejunum,and ileum.
  9. 18. the system by which ingested food is acted
  10. 19. hear it pumping
  1. 1. system:allows for manipulation of the environment, provides
  2. 2. and veins.
  3. 3. cellsnormally found in blood
  4. 5. cells:deliver oxygen to the tissues
  5. 6. system:the organs used for breathing,
  6. 7. muscles and cardiac muscle
  7. 12. structure, support, and protection
  8. 13. the heart pushes the blood through the
  9. 15. system:collecting, transferring and processing information
  10. 16. pharynx, larynx, bronchi, lungs and diaphragm.