
  1. 2. Readily engaging in informal talk
  2. 5. The joint connecting the foot with the leg
  3. 7. Slow to reveal emotion or opinions
  4. 8. Easily offended or upset
  5. 9. The arm bends here
  6. 11. The front part of the body between the chest and thighs
  7. 14. The leg bends here
  8. 15. Relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner
  9. 17. Less polite way of saying overweight
  10. 18. Considered to be an ideal build
  1. 1. The part of the body between the arm and the neck
  2. 3. The part of the face above the eyebrows.
  3. 4. Not able to be relied upon
  4. 6. The joint connecting the hand with the arm
  5. 10. The middle line of the human body
  6. 12. Happy to talk about their feelings
  7. 13. Too thin
  8. 16. Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed