Bolivar High school

  1. 1. Popular boys spring sport
  2. 5. Child development
  3. 8. Female world history teacher
  4. 10. Head choir director
  5. 11. Brit-Lit teacher
  6. 12. Popular social media app
  7. 14. Popular video making app
  8. 16. Head wrestling coach
  9. 17. Popular girls fall sport
  10. 19. The thing teachers hate the most
  11. 20. Head track coach
  1. 2. Popular winter sport
  2. 3. Big red beard/teacher
  3. 4. Biology teacher/coach
  4. 6. ISS teacher
  5. 7. Male geometry teacher
  6. 9. Boys Fall sport
  7. 13. Popular fall sport
  8. 15. Where the vending machines are
  9. 18. algebra 1 teacher/used to work at BMS