Bone Characteristics

  1. 4. thin membrane that line store medullary cavity
  2. 8. process of bone deployment; cartilage is replaced by bone through childhood
  3. 9. condition characterized by abnormally low levels of calcium
  4. 10. function of skeletal system; structural framework
  5. 12. condition characterized by abnormally high levels of calcium
  6. 13. bone segments are pulled apart as a result of twisting action; fracture
  7. 15. function of skeletal system; protects the most important informal organ from injury
  8. 17. Storage yellow bone marrow; consists of adipose cells
  9. 18. active form of vitamin D; produced by the kidneys; stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphate from the digestive tract
  10. 19. mature bone cells; main cells; exchange nutrients and waste with blood
  11. 20. markings the surface feature of bones; depends on the function and location of the body
  1. 1. produced by pituitary gland; controls bone growth
  2. 2. hollow; space within diaphysis; contains yellow bone marrow
  3. 3. a partial fracture in which only one side of the bone is broken
  4. 5. estrogen from the ovaries in girls; testosterone from the testes in boy
  5. 6. process where the matrix is reabsorbed on one surface of a bone and deposited on another
  6. 7. straight across a long axis of the bone; fracture
  7. 11. produced by the parathyroid glands; stimulates osteoclast proliferation and activity
  8. 14. initiate calcification; bone building cells
  9. 16. inhibits osteoclast activity and stimulates calcium uptake by the bones