Book of 1 Peter 1
- 5. Lay this aside
- 6. Animal the devil is like
- 7. Our former lust was in our ________
- 10. Things we used to do #3
- 12. endureth forever
- 14. all flesh is like this
- 15. A woman's conversation
- 17. Above all indulge in this
- 18. as baby Christians desire this type of milk
- 19. Things we used to do #1
- 21. Peter said feed the ______
- 23. Another place were scattered Christian went
- 25. Don's suffer as this #1
- 26. Place were scattered Christians went
- 27. Our faith is on ______
- 29. Don't be ____ if you suffer as a Christian
- 30. Don't suffer as this #3
- 32. Don't suffer as this #4
- 34. various temptations
- 35. We are healed by Jesus
- 36. Things we used to do #2
- 38. faithful brother
- 39. Wives should be in ______
- 1. We are partakers in Christ's _______
- 2. God showed his long-suffering in the days of
- 3. We as Christian are _____ people
- 4. God already knew about it
- 8. baptism supports a good ______
- 9. Our minds should remain _____
- 11. not born of this seed
- 13. The righteous will be ______ saved
- 16. be ready always to
- 20. place of chief corner stone
- 22. This of the Lord is over the righteous
- 23. No spot on lamb
- 24. Also lay this aside
- 28. His light
- 31. If we speak, speak this of God
- 32. Seek peace and ______ it
- 33. type of priesthood we are
- 37. Don't suffer as this #2