Book Of 1st Samuel

  1. 1. What broke out on the Philistines in Ashdod (5:9,12).
  2. 4. 1st king of Israel from the tribe of Benjamin (ch. 9).
  3. 7. David captained ___ hundred men who were discontented in 22:2.
  4. 8. What Israel demanded that displeased Samuel in ch. 8.
  5. 9. Priest who Samuel ministered to the Lord before at Shiloh (1:11;3:21).
  6. 10. Made a vow to the Lord that if blessed with a child she would lend him to the Lord (1:8-28).
  7. 13. David takes her as a wife to rescue her from the scoundrel Nabal (ch. 25).
  8. 14. The city of _____ Gilead was saved by Saul whose inhabitants repay him later (ch. 11).
  9. 16. Was told to Samuel in ch. 8 that they had not rejected him but ____.
  1. 2. 1st wife of David who was daughter of Saul (ch. 18).
  2. 3. Son of Hannah & Elkanah who became a prophet & judge of Israel (ch.7).
  3. 5. What the Philistines captured according to ch. 4.
  4. 6. Son of Saul who becomes best friends with David (13:16ff).
  5. 9. An Ephraimite with 2 wives, Peninnah & Hannah (1:1-2).
  6. 11. Saul & Jonathan died here against the Philistines in battle on Mt. ____ (ch. 31).
  7. 12. 2nd King of Israel who Saul pursues to kill (ch. 16 & 18).
  8. 15. King Saul spared of the Amalekites which ends on God's rejection of him (ch. 15).