Book of Judges

  1. 2. Current Leader of Israelite Nation
  2. 6. Successor to Judge, Following Israelite Wickedness
  3. 7. Duration of Israelite Subjugation Under Eglon
  4. 8. Ehud's Means of Escape
  5. 11. what did isreal ask Gidon to do
  6. 12. After Gideon died who became the next leader?
  7. 14. Who did Gideon say would rule over them after being asked to rule over them?
  8. 17. Method of Eglon's Demise by Ehud
  9. 18. His Actions Against the Philistines
  10. 19. How many years did the judge who ruled after Ibzan, Elon rule Israel?
  11. 21. After Jephthah who led Israel?
  12. 22. Reason for Lord's Favoritism Towards Israelites
  13. 26. How many years did the lord put the Israelites into the hands of the Midianites?.
  14. 28. What king did God Subdued (4:23)
  15. 29. Outcome of Ehud's Act; Duration of Peace
  16. 30. What did the lord do when his people were in distress (2:18)
  17. 31. How long were they subject to the king of Mohab
  18. 32. Who ruled after Tola?
  19. 34. Who rose to save Israel after the time of Abimelek?
  20. 36. Successor to Ehud as Judge
  1. 1. What instrument did the 300 remaining men blow to scare the Midianites?
  2. 3. Who plundered the Israelites 2:14)
  3. 4. Reason for Israelites' Appeal to Lord
  4. 5. How long did samson lead Israel
  5. 9. First Judge Raised by Lord After Israelite Cry
  6. 10. what crowned king after Gidon
  7. 13. What did Gideon make with a piece of the earnings that they got after the plunder?
  8. 14. Which judge was supposed to save Israel from the hands of the Midianites?
  9. 15. Subjugator After Israelites' Transgression
  10. 16. Who was the next Judge after God saved the people from the Philistines?
  11. 20. what did samson use to kill 1,000 men
  12. 23. Israelites' Transgression Post-Ehud's Era
  13. 24. How long did the land have peace for (5:31)
  14. 25. From which animal did Samsom use a jawbone to strike down and kill 1000 men?
  15. 26. Deliverer and Judge Appointed After Eglon's Rule
  16. 27. How did god repay abimeleks crimes
  17. 33. What made God mad (2:12)
  18. 35. What was the source of Samsom's power?