Book Week
- 6. Stop! he stole the weather!
- 7. This dry futuristic novel wormed recently its way back into cinemas
- 8. Lord of the _________ is set on an island
- 10. She wrote Sky So Heavy
- 12. A monarch of the horror genre
- 13. In the ___________ , pint sized people face a dragon
- 15. The Lord of the ____________ tells a story of jewellery being returned
- 18. A cat - we hear- is playing for its food
- 19. The Epic of _____________ is an ancient flood myth
- 1. This dystopian novel might go in a different direction
- 2. A good shade for skiing
- 3. The Fault in our ________ is a popular YA book
- 4. The doctor speaks freely when behind a mug.
- 5. Just Kidding- she wrote about a Wizards' ball
- 7. This genre twists perfection
- 9. Read this at sundown.
- 11. The Genesis of galactic hitchhiking
- 14. The titular character takes a strange journey across the sea in this classic myth
- 16. These storied collectors found tales to
- 17. It's said the only peculiar children find their way to her home\