Bookish Crossword
- 5. An item you can use to keep your place in your book
- 9. A portion of YouTube dedicated to readers; it's title
- 10. The password to the answer key! Don't tell anyone when you figure it out!
- 11. The first book we are reading as a Book Club
- 14. The most famous author in the world (last name)
- 16. Something Lila has 149 of (As of 2/21/24)
- 17. The art of the English language
- 1. An adjective used to describe something relating to books.
- 2. The last name of the guy who RUINED Good Omens
- 3. A place to "check-out" books-- and give them back 2 weeks later
- 4. A place where you can purchase books-- often has a Starbucks connected to it.
- 6. A piece of furniture you use to hold books, clutter, etc.
- 7. What you call someone who enjoys reading or bookish things
- 8. An app used to listen to books
- 9. A collection of binned into a cover
- 12. TikTokion of tiktok dedicated to readers; it's title
- 13. The first name of the author we can bond over-- also a director.
- 15. A way of listening to books