- 7. A famous English poet and play writer
- 8. Which book is the most sold one
- 10. A psychological book which won "Best nonfiction book" of 2023
- 12. A stand alone book
- 13. The author of IT
- 15. The empty space left around the text on the page
- 1. Books with drawings
- 2. The author of the most popular children's book( The little prince)
- 3. A book bound in a flexible paper cover
- 4. One of J.K Tolkien's books series
- 5. The most well-known series in the world
- 6. Where is the largest bookstore
- 9. The Bulgarian book which won the Booker Prize in 2023
- 11. The person who draws pictures in books
- 14. A form of literary in which language is used for its aesthetic