
  1. 2. Who is the Greek goddess of wisdom?
  2. 3. Who is the Roman counterpart of Zeus?
  3. 7. What is Cat short for?
  4. 9. Who is the Roman god of death?
  5. 10. What did Gawain hit Sir Hautubris with?
  6. 14. Where is the Land of the Midnight Sun?
  7. 15. What was Gawain's knightly title?
  8. 16. What is Luce short for?
  9. 17. What is Luce's father's name?
  1. 1. Who is Gareth's knightly brother?
  2. 4. What is Terence's specialty to cook?
  3. 5. Where is the Partheon?
  4. 6. Who is Terence's father?
  5. 8. Who is the Greek god of the sea?
  6. 11. Who is the Norse mythological king of the gods?
  7. 12. Who is the Roman counterpart to Poseideon?
  8. 13. What is the sika's name?
  9. 17. Who is the Greek counterpart of Mars?