Books 2

  1. 1. "All work and no play makes _____ a dull boy."
  2. 4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie _______
  3. 6. A bespectacled aardvark
  4. 8. A mushy, peachy food you might savor while digging Holes
  5. 10. Quoth the raven
  6. 12. R.J. Palacio's blue covered book
  7. 13. Someone who isn't particularly friendly
  8. 14. Persian poet
  1. 2. Creepy button-eyed mother
  2. 3. "Who will watch the ______?"
  3. 5. Handmaid's Tale
  4. 7. Nicholas Sparks first published novel, The _______
  5. 8. Fictional British private detective
  6. 9. Between the _____ and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
  7. 11. A gloomy gray donkey