Books 2
- 1. "All work and no play makes _____ a dull boy."
- 4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie _______
- 6. A bespectacled aardvark
- 8. A mushy, peachy food you might savor while digging Holes
- 10. Quoth the raven
- 12. R.J. Palacio's blue covered book
- 13. Someone who isn't particularly friendly
- 14. Persian poet
- 2. Creepy button-eyed mother
- 3. "Who will watch the ______?"
- 5. Handmaid's Tale
- 7. Nicholas Sparks first published novel, The _______
- 8. Fictional British private detective
- 9. Between the _____ and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- 11. A gloomy gray donkey