Borrowing Money

  1. 2. One of our informal lenders - AYIMLF
  2. 4. Money you owe someone, which can get bigger the longer it takes to pay back - TBDE
  3. 6. Annual percentage rate - RAP
  4. 9. The other of our informal lenders - IDSREFN
  5. 10. An agreement between you and a lender to buy a home without having all the cash upfront - OERGGMTA
  6. 11. day loan A short-term loan, with the highest interest rates - LYD PAA YONA
  7. 13. Card A type of loan where the money you spend is borrowed from the card provider rather than taken from your bank account – DTICEC DRAR
  1. 1. A medium of exchange; to buy things with and to receive as payment for sold items - NYOEM
  2. 3. The extra bit of money you pay back on top of your loan - SITERNET
  3. 5. Receiving something from someone temporarily, giving it back later - WNIBORGRO
  4. 7. Money that is set aside and added to over time, set aside for the future - VIGSSAN
  5. 8. Lets you borrow money through your current account by taking out more money than you have in the account - FERVTORDA
  6. 12. Giving something to someone temporarily, getting it back later - GNINDEL