Borrowing Money

  1. 2. A second person with a good credit history, responsible for paying the loan if the first borrower defaults.
  2. 4. the amount of money borrowed)
  3. 6. The date the loan is paid off.
  4. 10. of a loan to finance the purchase of a good or service.
  5. 11. A loan in which no assets are required
  6. 12. A loan in which the borrower must have an asset of equal value to the loan,\.
  1. 1. Responsibility to pay a loan back
  2. 3. When a borrower stops paying a loan
  3. 5. the money paid in addition to the amount borrowed.
  4. 6. Value The price an item will actually be sold.
  5. 7. Amount borrowed, interest rate, time
  6. 8. The money put toward the purchase of a good or service.
  7. 9. a loan to buy a house.