Brad <3

  1. 3. Ichiban
  2. 5. Cash
  3. 7. Your favorite beer
  4. 11. Noelle's birthday
  5. 12. Type of beer
  6. 13. Goes with gingerale
  7. 15. You only live once
  8. 17. Female underwear
  9. 18. _ _ valentine (1st word)
  1. 1. Female body part
  2. 2. Hometown of a certain girl
  3. 4. _ _ valentine (2nd word)
  4. 6. You are
  5. 8. Geomatics job
  6. 9. One of your past-times
  7. 10. Dumb
  8. 14. Nomme de ta petite-amie en francais
  9. 16. Flowers
  10. 17. Funny teddy bear movie