Bradley's safety crossword

  1. 1. never work ____.
  2. 3. never look into a ____ that is being heated.
  3. 5. Contact ____ should not be worn in the lab unless you have permission from your instructor.
  4. 6. report _____ electrical equipment immediately.
  5. 8. never return unused chemicals to their original _____.
  6. 11. check the ____ on chemical bottles twice before removing contents. take only as much as you need.
  7. 12. never fool around in the laboratory. horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and ____
  8. 14. never remove ____ or other materials from the lab.
  9. 16. do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew ___ in the lab.
  10. 17. When ____ thermometers are broken, mercury must not be touched. notify the instructor immediately.
  11. 18. lab ___ have been provided for your use and should be worn during lab activities.
  1. 1. keep ____ clear.
  2. 2. examine ____ before each use.
  3. 4. conduct yourself in a ____ manner at all times in the lab.
  4. 7. push your chair under your ____ when not in use.
  5. 9. never use mouth ___ to fill a pipet. use a rubber bulb or pipet pump.
  6. 10. if you have a ___ condition check with your physician prior to working in lab.
  7. 13. if you do not understand how to use a piece of ____ ask the instructor for help.
  8. 15. do not _____ hot glassware into cold water; it may shatter.
  9. 18. Be ____ and proceed with caution at all times in the lab. notify the instructor immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe.