Brain and Behavior

  1. 1. this hallucinogen may be useful for treating addiction (abbreviated)
  2. 4. ___ model says addiction is medical condition, requires treatment
  3. 11. time when an additional action potential is not possible; ____ refractory period
  4. 12. family of chemicals the promote health and growth of neurons
  5. 18. activating one of these receptors releases a g-protein
  6. 19. number of sodium ions pumped out of the cell by Na/K pumps
  7. 20. ___scan, x-ray of the brain (abbreviated)
  8. 21. nearly all pleasurable experiences activate reward pathway, and this NT
  9. 24. the amount of tryptophan hydroxylase in the body is a ______ step, aka why we can't increase serotonin production with precursor loading (2 words)
  10. 26. Xanax is an example of these "safer", more commonly prescribed anti anxiety drugs
  11. 27. localized, short-term depolarization in the membrane potential (abbreviated)
  12. 29. large "star shaped" glia cells, help form tripartite synapses, support neurons
  13. 30. radioactive chemicals used to measure brain activity, superpowers not guaranteed (abbreviated)
  14. 31. drugs with a wider _____ index are generally safer
  15. 32. the "winners" of the war of the sparks and the soups
  1. 2. First rule of fight (or flight club): the ___ nervous system activates to pump us up
  2. 3. Schwann cells provide myelin for cells in the ___ (abbreviation)
  3. 5. the correct term for measuring "brain waves" (abbreviated)
  4. 6. _____ potential, maintained by Na/K pumps (2 words)
  5. 7. Sodium is pushed into the cell by electrostatic and __ pressures (2 words)
  6. 8. without ________, action potentials in brain cells would move more slowly
  7. 9. alcohol's ____ rate can be affected by the presence of food in the stomach
  8. 10. the brain and the spinal cord (abbreviated)
  9. 13. damage to this lobe results in loss of visual perception
  10. 14. ____ conduction is impossible without myelin
  11. 15. dopamine release in this brain area is strongly associated with drugs of abuse, but also the rewarding effects of food & fun
  12. 16. "input" area of the neuron, most commonly
  13. 17. ethical principle that applies to work with animals, says techniques and training must be best available
  14. 22. layer of meninges closest to the surface of the brain (2 words)
  15. 23. the rate of _______ of caffeine can be changed by guarana, enzyme levels, hormones, medications, etc
  16. 25. addition of _____ charged ions to inside of cell would lead to an IPSP
  17. 28. idea popular with the public, based on bad science