brain haemorrhage

  1. 3. A sever symptom that indicates the possibility of brain haemorrhage
  2. 5. An activity one should not perform in order to prevent brain haemorrhage
  3. 7. A type of medication prescribed to patients to reduce swelling
  4. 10. An escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel
  5. 11. How many areas can bleeding occur in the brain
  6. 13. Component of tobacco smoke that causes increased blood pressure
  7. 14. A cause of haemorrhage
  1. 1. Also known as skull
  2. 2. A bulge in a blood vessel
  3. 4. A possible complication (mood)
  4. 6. A process of using protein stores to generate energy
  5. 8. A hormone released under stressful conditions
  6. 9. Narrowing and constricting of cerebral blood vessels
  7. 12. Swelling of the brain