Branches of Government

  1. 2. Checks and _____________" is the way each branch can keep from having too much power.
  2. 3. presides of over the house of representatives
  3. 5. nominates Supreme Court Justices
  4. 8. having two branches or chambers
  5. 10. The President is also known as the "Commander in _______?"
  6. 15. Power is divided between national and lower levels of government
  7. 16. 2 of these in every state
  8. 17. Once a bill is approved it becomes a ____ ?
  9. 18. implements laws
  10. 19. “stare decisis”
  1. 1. interprets laws
  2. 3. ______ court is the highest court in the US.
  3. 4. presidential power to reject a bill
  4. 6. makes laws
  5. 7. prolonged debate on proposed legislation so as to delay or entirely prevent decision
  6. 9. ________ courts is another name for court of appeals
  7. 11. Legislative branch is also called ______.
  8. 12. Congress monitors executive branch and agencies using legislative ________.
  9. 13. Marbury v. Madison established Judicial _______.
  10. 14. ______ veto becomes effective when the President fails to sign a bill after Congress has adjourned.