Brass/Music Instrument Crossword
- 4. Type of note/rest that gets half a count
- 5. Type of note that usually gets 1 count
- 7. Brass instrument with a slide
- 9. A Time ____________ tells how to count the notes/rest of the music
- 13. Lowers the pitch of a note one half step
- 15. Soft dynamic level
- 16. Music is divided up into these equal sections on the staff
- 19. Emphasize a note
- 20. The musical alphabet uses the first______ letters of the English alphabet
- 21. Trumpets read music on this clef
- 1. Brass instrument that has many curves and a small mouthpiece
- 2. Gets four counts of sound or silence
- 3. Has valves like a trumpet but plays the same notes as trombone
- 4. 1st and 2nd ________
- 6. What a brass player buzzes into
- 8. Lowest sounding brass instrument
- 9. Connects notes of different pitch to make a smooth sound
- 10. Highest sounding brass instrument
- 11. Play the music again
- 12. Trombone, baritone, and tuba read music on the ______ clef
- 13. Loud dynamic level
- 14. Connects two or more notes of the same pitch
- 17. Type of note that usually gets 2 counts
- 18. The opposite of note
- 20. The 5 lines and 4 spaces that we read music on