Breaking Away (Part 2)

  1. 2. oval in shape, it is where races are held
  2. 5. the season that the story is set in
  3. 7. you steer your bike with this part
  4. 10. Mrs. Stohler's first name
  5. 12. Mike's brother's job, starts with "po_______"
  6. 13. hit his head on a rock while swimming against Rod
  7. 14. a short, very, very fast part of a race
  8. 15. if you are the winner, or a champion, then you might get a _____.
  1. 1. the main part of a bike, starts with letter "f"
  2. 3. when you return something to a store, you get a "ref____"
  3. 4. Cyril likes to play this instrument
  4. 6. title of the movie
  5. 8. you wear this on your head for protection
  6. 9. when Dave tells Katarina the truth she "s_____s" him
  7. 11. a document that shows your citizenship that you use for traveling to other countries
  8. 12. in a race it is the group of riders (see vocabulary)
  9. 16. a bike has two _______ that you put your feet on