Brian and Laura's Baby Shower

  1. 2. Brian Donnelly hasn't had this drink in years
  2. 3. What might happen when you change a boy's diaper?
  3. 4. Give this too crying infant to help sooth them
  4. 7. What a baby Donnelly will drink from when Brian feeds her
  5. 8. Name for a gift to mom from her partner for giving birth their child
  6. 12. For babies who breastfeed (not formula) give them this supplement
  7. 14. What is used to try and keep a baby's clothes clean while eating
  8. 16. The worst name suggested by the CSX team
  9. 17. Your mother's daughter's baby girl, to you
  10. 18. What you are if you keep trying until you get a girl, maybe
  11. 21. Name of popular children's teething giraffe
  12. 23. Baby's first percussion instrument, often
  1. 1. A real mess that escapes the diaper
  2. 3. Launch-a-palooza individual free-throw champion of champions
  3. 5. Crowdsourced dinner delivered by your friends
  4. 6. Cute term for placing baby on their stomach for exercise
  5. 9. A vacation taken before the new kiddo comes
  6. 10. The app Brian Donnelly uses to select and rate wines
  7. 11. What Brian may look like some mornings soon
  8. 13. A basket like bed for an infant
  9. 15. Amount of Paid Family Leave offered by Illumina for the bith of a new child
  10. 19. A real mess that escapes the mouth
  11. 20. An infant body suit
  12. 22. A children's bed with bars or lattice
  13. 24. Number of kids the Donnelly's will have soon