Brian's Winter

  1. 4. Brian needs animals to eat food,
  2. 6. Brian is surrounded by trees and snow and has no where to go,
  3. 9. Brian's only water source and might be frozen,
  4. 11. Brian needs food to live,
  5. 12. Brian got all of his stuff from the airplane,
  1. 1. Brian has to sleep in the cold,
  2. 2. Brian needs water to live,
  3. 3. Brian is in Canada witch is very cold,
  4. 5. Brian needs a house so he can be protected,
  5. 7. Brian has to survive in the wild and hope someone takes him home,
  6. 8. Brian's famous tool to keep him alive,
  7. 10. Brian needs tools to keep him protected and get materials,