Brian's Winter Crossword

  1. 3. A covering for the hand and wrist having a separate section for the thumb only
  2. 7. A ruminant mammal with humped shoulders, long legs, and broadly palmated antlers that is the largest existing member of the deer
  3. 8. A short-handled ax often with a hammerhead to be used with one hand
  4. 9. Precipitation in the form of small white ice crystals formed directly from the water vapor of the air
  5. 10. A flat device resembling a racket, which is attached to the sole of a boot and used for walking on snow
  6. 13. To set upon or work against forcefully
  7. 15. A massive hard dark quartz that produces a spark when struck by steel
  8. 16. To remain alive or in existence : live on
  9. 18. A hoofed grazing or browsing animal, with branched bony antlers
  1. 1. The main chararcter
  2. 2. To pursue with intent to capture
  3. 3. To pass usually periodically from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding
  4. 4. Something that nourishes, sustains, or supplies
  5. 5. A dense growth of trees and underbrush covering a large tract
  6. 6. The flesh of an animal or bird as food
  7. 9. Something that covers or affords protection
  8. 11. The coldest season of the year
  9. 12. A garment for the upper body usually having a front opening, collar, lapels, sleeves, and pockets
  10. 14. A missile shot from a bow and usually having a slender shaft, a pointed head, and feathers
  11. 17. Frozen water