Bricks Subject Reading 4 Unit 5

  1. 3. to adjust the amount or degree.
  2. 5. being or acting in a contrary direction.
  3. 7. the effect or outcome of an event.
  4. 8. to visit often.
  5. 9. characterized or produced by addiction.
  6. 11. to make into an act or statute.
  7. 12. more than average fatness.
  8. 14. to form an approximate judgment.
  1. 1. an indication to prove or disprove something.
  2. 2. produced in a large-scale industrial operation.
  3. 4. believed to be possibly dangerous or false.
  4. 6. any of several disorders characterized by increased urine production.
  5. 10. to eat or drink.
  6. 13. to have an effect on.