Bridal Shower

  1. 4. Bachelorette destination
  2. 5. Madeleine's favorite wine?
  3. 6. Number of Bridesmaids
  4. 9. What month did Andrew propose to Madeleine?
  5. 10. Location of wedding reception
  6. 13. Cut of Madeleine's ring
  7. 15. Number of years the couple has been together
  8. 16. Flavor of the wedding cake
  9. 18. What color are the Bridesmaid's dresses?
  10. 20. What day in May is the wedding?
  11. 21. Andrew's drink of choice
  1. 1. Where are Madeleine and Andrew moving?
  2. 2. Madeleine's future last name
  3. 3. The couple's go-to date spot in Columbia
  4. 7. City where did Madeleine and Andrew met
  5. 8. Madeleine's favorite color
  6. 11. Honeymoon location
  7. 12. Color of the Madeleine's eyes
  8. 14. Andrew's birth month
  9. 17. College Madeleine and Andrew attended
  10. 19. Mascot of the couple's favorite team