Bridal Shower

  1. 5. How many siblings does the Groom have?
  2. 6. Wedding venue
  3. 7. Favorite sport to play together
  4. 9. Who is older?
  5. 11. Bride's middle name
  6. 14. Groom's last name
  7. 15. how many years has the couple been together?
  8. 16. Who said I love you first?
  1. 1. Honeymoon destination
  2. 2. Their dog’s name
  3. 3. month they got engaged
  4. 4. Groom's favorite hobby
  5. 7. Groom's hometown
  6. 8. Who is the better cook?
  7. 10. College the bride attended
  8. 12. Number of bridemaids
  9. 13. Who is more organized?
  10. 16. Who is funnier?