bringing back oysters

  1. 1. When oysters grow in top of one another
  2. 5. There are oysters
  3. 6. Pumps the oyster’s blood
  4. 9. Lift it up
  5. 11. There are animals with soft bodies cover with shells
  6. 12. Filter oxygen, algae, and particles from the water
  7. 14. Hard outer covering made of the mineral calcium carbonate that protects the oyster
  8. 15. A environment
  9. 16. waves that can wash away sand and soil
  10. 17. Feeders pump water through their bodies, filtering out algae and bacteria to eat
  11. 18. There are getting too much oysters
  12. 22. Muscle Opens and closes the shell
  13. 24. Surges rising water is pushed onto land, causing flooding.
  14. 25. Holds the two halves of the oyster’s shell together
  1. 2. There are inside of young oysters
  2. 3. There are animals with soft bodies cover with shells
  3. 4. There are important to the ecosystem
  4. 7. Toxic gas or toxic bacteria
  5. 8. Palp Sorts and transfers food from the gills to the digestive tract
  6. 10. Tool to see how much they been growing
  7. 13. There are disappearing
  8. 19. Small shells
  9. 20. Skin-like covering that protects the oyster’s organs
  10. 21. Digests algae caught in the gills
  11. 23. Loss They lost their environment