British Isles and Queen Elisabeth Vocabulary

  1. 2. Ulster's capital City
  2. 5. In 2012 Queen Elisabeth did not do it but James Bond did.
  3. 10. Queen Elisabeth II was the first monarch to send one
  4. 13. the "passé simple" in English
  5. 14. the consequences of the hottest summer in the UK for Peppa Pig
  6. 15. Country A on the Map
  7. 18. Charles' mother was the _____ of England
  8. 19. the car Princess Elisabeth drove in 1942
  9. 21. Queen Elisabeth II's favorite dogs
  10. 22. The English ____ is white with a red cross
  1. 1. Charles III ______ King in 2022
  2. 3. the flag is blue with a diagonal white cross
  3. 4. she became bacon because of the hottest summer in the UK
  4. 6. Charles was 73 when he became ____
  5. 7. Ireland's capital City
  6. 8. the second name for Northern Ireland
  7. 9. the Irish flag has 3 vertical orange, white and green_______
  8. 11. the prétérit for drive
  9. 12. Its symbol is the leek (poireau)
  10. 16. The second capital of Scotland
  11. 17. Capital City of England
  12. 20. Capital City = Dublin
  13. 21. Capital City of country B